What's in a Team Building activity?
Once in a while, companies need to do their own get-together to strengthen one's bond with each other inside the organization. This is where Team Building comes in.
Team building is a general term for types of activities used to improve social relations and define roles within teams, often involving participatory tasks. [Wikipedia]. With this said, what's in a Team Building activity?
There are four approaches in a Team Building activity, according to Professor Eduardo Salas and his team:
- Goal-setting - Done to harbor a sense of ownership, this emphasize the value of setting goals for the individual and team for their performance.
- Know everyone's place - Role Clarification gives everyone a sense of the chain of command, putting emphasis on improving the team's own understanding of their responsibilities and duties. With roles clarified, each one focuses on the role they're into, contributing to the team's success.
- Solve problems - Aside from the benefit of critical thinking, Problem Solving focuses on identifying and solving problems in the organization.
- Communicate better - Interpersonal relations between employees are important in an organization, and teams with fewer conflicts generally function more effectively than others. Team building activities help you get better at interacting with your fellows.
Team Buildings are not team buildings if they are not held in recreational areas, and they don't have a set program to follow (games, campfire sessions, and the like).
Teamwork and understanding, plus bits of excitement here and there - that's what Team Building activities do to an organization.
- Salas, E., Priest, H. A., & DeRouin, R. E. (2005). "Team building", pp. 48–1, 48–5 in N. Stanton, H. Hendrick, S. Konz, K. Parsons, & E. Salas (Eds.) Handbook of human factors and ergonomics methods. London: Taylor & Francis.